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Curriculum Statement for PSHE

The PSHE progression documents have been created to ensure that incremental, progressive steps are taught over time to enable pupils to follow the guidance in the National Curriculum, whilst also providing a much broader, richer curriculum offer than these recommendations cover. The learning steps are sequenced in a systematically spiralling curriculum. Each year group has opportunities to recap and embed previous learning – this ensures that knowledge is retained and expanded upon, making learning ‘sticky’. Pupils will appreciate the key concepts of risk, acquiring the knowledge and skills required so that they are increasingly able to make safe and informed decisions. PSHE coverage builds on the statutory content in the national curriculum and in the guidance on drug education, financial education, SRE (sex and relationship education) and healthy lifestyles.

The specific PSHE curriculum content is built into the progression document. It follows three core strands linked to the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study. These are:

  • Health and Wellbeing.
  • Relationships.
  • Living in the Wider World.

This enables pupils to receive a structured curriculum, designed and taught through clear next steps. The programme is designed to be flexible and tailored to the needs of the pupils being taught.

Please click here to view the PHSE Strand Progression Document.


It is to be noted that the Government are making the Relationships and Health aspects of PSHE compulsory from 2020 although this deadline is now set for 2021 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Sexual Education will not be statutory as yet in Primary Schools. Puberty Education is part of the statutory Science Curriculum.