Posted October 11th, 2019

​Every year, we appoint new Pupil Voice members and we do a vote for the Pupil Voice children in our classes. We work as a democracy at Reid Street.
In every class, we have an election and choose a boy and a girl for Pupil Voice.
The Pupil Voice members this year are:
Y2 Max, Grace, Grace and Ollie.
Y3 Max, Hannah, Redeemed and Scarlet.
Y4 Max, Holly, Amber and Callum.
Y5 Lily, Lewis, Olivia and Harry Lee.
Y6 Will, Jack, Elizabeth and Abbie.
We meet with Mrs Davison every Monday lunchtime. We decided our aim was to improve the environment and our school.
We decided to produce a questionnaire to ask the children what they wanted to improve.
 The questions we asked are:
 1. What can we do to help achieve the Global Goals by 2030?
2. What we can do at school to make it single use plastic free?
 3. How can we help save the environment, and reduce our carbon footprint?
4. If school supported a charity, what would you pick and why.
We are also going to become ROTA KIDS and are meeting with The President of the Darlington Rotary club.
 By Lewis Y5.