Posted July 5th, 2019

​On Friday, the figures needed to be in. We knew we had received lots of interest from businesses wanting to sponsor us (see the Sponsorship blog). It was our job to count the sleep over total.
We had collected lots of money over the two weeks as we were counting and checking totals all the time.
Jack, Tyler and Alfie had great fun counting all the money! We had over £900 as 76 children have paid. 
Alfie said, “It’s the most money I’ve ever counted.”
Jack said, “I can’t believe we have raised that amount as when the other school arranged a sleepover they only raised £450 but charged £15:00.”
Tyler who is the deputy finance manager said, “This is going to be amazing everyone is talking about it! We loved the movie night but this has raised nearly double the amount of that.”