Posted December 7th, 2017

​An unexpected blizzard of snow brought much excitement to Reception. Inside the classroom there was a lot of discussion about where snow comes from and why does it stay on the ground. The children decided that it only snows when it is very cold. They added food colouring to a pile of snow and salt to another to see what would happen.
“It’s gone hard” shouted one very excited child that investigated the salt added snow.
While another was disgusted at the red mush that had the food colouring added to it.
Outside, groups of children donned their wellies to slosh around making snowballs, measuring how far they could throw them, or seeing who could build the tallest snowman. “What can we use for the eyes?”, “Do you have a carrot for its nose?” and “It needs a scarf!” Others stomped around listening to the crunch, picking it up and exploring with their senses.